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Parish House Address:
Physical Church Address:
201 Duke of Gloucester Street,
Williamsburg, VA 23185
Parish House Address:
331 Duke of Gloucester Street,
Williamsburg, VA 23185
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 3520
Williamsburg, VA 23187-3520
“Holy Baptism is full initiation by water and the Holy Spirit into Christ’s Body the Church. The bond which God establishes in Baptism is indissoluble” (Book of Common Prayer, p. 298). The sacrament of Baptism is a many-dimensioned symbol, including incorporation into Christ; entry into the New Covenant between God and God’s people; union with one another through Christ; participation in Christ’s life, death, and resurrection; the washing away of sin; new birth; a reclothing in Christ; renewal by the Holy Spirit; an experience of salvation from the flood and of exodus from bondage; and liberation into a new humanity in which barriers of division (gender, race, social status) are transcended. Baptism is a sign of the reign of God on earth as in heaven. Baptism is both God’s gift and our response in faith. It marks the beginning of life-long growth through the transforming power of the Holy Spirit. Christian initiation will take place within the Eucharist “as the chief service on a Sunday or other feast” (BCP, p. 298).
For more information about baptism at Bruton Parish Church, please email the Parish Life Coordinator for a Baptismal Application.
Confirmation and Reception into the Episcopal Church is where Christian life begins -- a quest for understanding who God is, how God calls us, and how we find our unique ways to respond to God’s call as individuals and in the community of faith.
Each year The Inquirer’s Series prepares adults to be confirmed or received by the Bishop into the Episcopal Church. It also serves as a refresher for others who just want to review some foundational teaching of the Church. Major areas of Christian life and Anglican practice covered include Holy Scripture, Church History, Basic Theological Questions & Issues, Anglican Liturgy, Christian Spirituality, Christian Ethics, and Episcopal Church Polity and Organization. The series is led by parish clergy, lay leaders, and guest experts.
For more information, please email the Parish Life Coordinator or call 757-229-2891.
Marriage is a sacramental rite of the church. A couple desiring to solemnize their marriage in the church must seek an understanding of Christian marriage and intend to be active members of a Christian congregation. For those who do not intend to live out their lives in a Christian community, we strongly encourage consideration of a civil ceremony.
Bruton Parish Church requires that a preapplication be completed and that certain guidelines be fulfilled before a date is scheduled on the calendar. If you are planning to be married, please contact the Parish Office to have a preapplication sent to you at least six months ahead of your intended date, preferably earlier.
A number of restrictions apply to weddings at Bruton, including but not limited to:
1. At least one of the persons being married must be baptized and an Episcopalian.
2 Weddings are celebrated in the Church only for persons who have been active, pledging members of Bruton Parish for at least a year before the request to be married, or for the sons or daughters of such active, pledging members. An “active, pledging member” is defined as a person whose membership in the parish is officially recorded, whether by transfer, baptism, or confirmation/reception; who attends worship regularly unless prevented by health; who participates in some parish activity (education, lay ministry, outreach, or other volunteer positions); and who is a giver of record.
The couple must undergo premarital counseling in two modes: first, meet several times with one of the Bruton clergy, or another counselor approved by Bruton clergy; and second, attend a day-long premarital seminar conducted by the Virginia Institute of Pastoral Care.
For more information or to apply, please email the Parish Life Coordinator.
Physical Church Address:
201 Duke of Gloucester Street,
Williamsburg, VA 23185
Parish House Address:
331 Duke of Gloucester Street,
Williamsburg, VA 23185
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 3520
Williamsburg, VA 23187-3520
Copyright © 2021 | All Rights Reserved | Bruton Parish Church