Email Us:
Parish House Address:
Physical Church Address:
201 Duke of Gloucester Street,
Williamsburg, VA 23185
Parish House Address:
331 Duke of Gloucester Street,
Williamsburg, VA 23185
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 3520
Williamsburg, VA 23187-3520
Prayers for individuals and families, and for important issues, are offered on a regular basis at Bruton Parish. To make a prayer request please complete this form or call 757-229-2891 (the number is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week). Give your name, the prayer request, and any other pertinent information.
Please leave your name, phone number and brief description of emergency.
(757) 229-2891 and ask for Christine Britton, Parish Life Coordinator.
Please call the Parish House (757-229-2891), choose Option 6 for the Pastoral Emergency Line, and leave your name, a number where you can be reached, and a description of your pastoral emergency. A clergy-person will contact you as soon as possible.
The Order of the Daughters of the King® is a lay order of women that provides "the extension of Christ's Kingdom through prayer, service, and evangelism." Each Daughter undertakes a Rule of Life, incorporating the Rule of Prayer and the Rule of Service as a lifelong commitment. Before induction there is a prescribed period of study to learn about the commitment required. Membership brings strength through prayer; learning through individual and group study; encouragement through sharing; discipline through following the Rule; opportunities for service and ministry; and fellowship with other Daughters in the diocese, province, nation, and international community.
The Bruton chapter meets on the first Thursday of the month at 10am September through June. For more information email the Parish Life Coordinator.
This Prayer Form is used by the Bruton Chapter of The Order of the Daughters of the King®.
Sponsored by the Daughters of the King© Bruton Chapter, this booklet has reflections written by parishioners and clergy for each day of Advent. Printed copies will be available at the church and the Parish House beginning Sunday, November 20, for a suggested donation of $2 per copy. A copy is also available here on our website.
The Bruton Parish Lay Pastoral Care Ministry has been granted the privilege of sharing God's loving kindness with those whom we know are facing life-changing events. Pastoral Care is offered by: visiting; telephoning; praying; listening; sending prayerful notes; presenting blessed prayer shawls and baby blankets; and taking Communion to those unable to attend church. With the support of our clergy and in coordination with our Bruton Cares Team, Lay Eucharistic Visitors, Stephen Ministry, and the Daughters of the King, we offer comfort and care to those in our Bruton community who need it. All are welcome to join us and we certainly need you! For more information, please contact the Parish Office at (757) 229-2891 or email
Click here to learn more about Stephen Ministry
Trained by clergy and are sent forth from the altar where the community has gathered and shared Communion, carrying the Body and Blood of Christ to parishioners whose illness, disability, or injury keep them from being physically present in church on Sundays. They go to homes and hospitals, usually in pairs. This ministry is a vibrant reminder of the connectedness of all people as we take the bread and wine, bless it, break and share it as the body of Christ.
If you are a Eucharistic Visitor, we are posting a blank copy of the EV Report online for your convenience and use. Please be sure to read the following instructions, before using the form (if you have any difficulty, please contact Hilary Cooley, Communications Director). When the document opens, click FILE and SAVE AS to save the report to your computer. Complete the form, then click the round OFFICE BUTTON in the upper left-hand corner of your screen, click SEND, then EMAIL (your email program should automatically launch and attach the document to the email). Please be sure to send the email to both The Rev'd Jan Brown ( and Judith Collard ( Click here for a PDF of the Eucharistic Visitors Report or here for Word format.
Physical Church Address:
201 Duke of Gloucester Street,
Williamsburg, VA 23185
Parish House Address:
331 Duke of Gloucester Street,
Williamsburg, VA 23185
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 3520
Williamsburg, VA 23187-3520
Copyright © 2021 | All Rights Reserved | Bruton Parish Church