Heritage Center & Historic Parish Records

The heart of Colonial Williamsburg

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Bruton Parish Heritage Center

The Heritage Center, in the Parish House with the Bruton Parish Gift Shop, tells the story of the parish, past and present. It describes the arrival of Anglicanism in America, the role of the parish in colonial life, and the development of the parish through the years. Important artifacts such as the original weathervane are on display. Along with the Shop, it serves as a place of welcome and engagement for our many visitors.

Here is a video introducing the exhibit.

Here is a set of short videos on display in the Center:

Interesting people:

Facts and Artifacts:

The Heritage Center makes available selected parish records from Bruton Parish’s history (see below). In addition to the records available online, the Center recommends a recent book, The Tombs and Memorials of Bruton Parish Church, compiled and edited by Lianne Johnson Boller. This volume provides extensive information about those buried and memorialized in the church and churchyard, along with detailed maps and illustrations. It is available for sale in the Bruton Parish Gift Shop, adjoining the Heritage Center.

Location And Hours

The Center is located in the front of the Parish House on Duke of Gloucester Street with the Bruton Parish Shop and is open daily during regular Shop hours.

Learn More

Historic Parish Records

The Heritage Center makes available certain early church records of interest to those seeking genealogical and historical information. The records themselves are here on the parish's website, accessible to anyone.  Here is a short video showing how to use them from home computers. You'll find tips here.

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Help Make More Parish Records Available

The Bruton Parish Historic Records project is sponsored and supported by Friends of Bruton. You can help make more records available by adding your financial support. Click here to make a contribution, selecting Friends of Bruton in the Give To box. For more information about Friends of Bruton: Our Worldwide Congregation, click here.

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