Email Us:
Parish House Address:
Physical Church Address:
201 Duke of Gloucester Street,
Williamsburg, VA 23185
Parish House Address:
331 Duke of Gloucester Street,
Williamsburg, VA 23185
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 3520
Williamsburg, VA 23187-3520
As a supplement to the collection of physical books and other material in the Hennage Library, the Library Committee maintains this collection of links to online resources that may be of special interest to members of the parish and others. To navigate the categories, simply click on the blue words in the index to take you to a particular section and then on the description of the web site to take you there.
Notes About Bruton Parish’s Link Library
While we have tried to make this a useful and interesting collection, there are inevitable limitations. The quality of each web site is dependent on the individual or organization that created it, and we are not responsible for the content. Web addresses can change, and sometimes sites are corrupted by accident or intentionally. As with any online material, we recommend appropriate caution and parental guidance when used by children. Should you encounter a problem you think we should be aware of, please report it to When using material on the web sites listed here, please follow appropriate copyright laws and use proper citations. Guidance can be found in sources such as:
A helpful summary of copyright basics.
A guide to citing electronic sources.
Some useful information on plagiarism.
We see this collection as a dynamic and constantly developing tool, and we update it frequently (note the latest date above). Please note that the Link Library may be temporarily unavailable when it is being updated. We welcome your comments, reactions, or suggestions for improvement; they should be directed to
Physical Church Address:
201 Duke of Gloucester Street,
Williamsburg, VA 23185
Parish House Address:
331 Duke of Gloucester Street,
Williamsburg, VA 23185
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 3520
Williamsburg, VA 23187-3520
Copyright © 2021 | All Rights Reserved | Bruton Parish Church